Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Game Review: Fields of Battle for Fire TV

I love the Fire TV. I have a bare minimum cable tv package, and Kodi's addons have given me access to live and archived shows and movies. I also have it pointed to my NAS for local movies.

When it first came out, Amazon wanted gaming to be an important factor for the device. They released their own branded controller and showcased Sev Zero at the intro.

Since its launch, though, there aren't that many good games for it. Sev Zero is intriguing but then becomes tedious unless you have a Goose on a tablet while you Maverick your way through the aliens.

Recently I installed Fields of Battle, a free paintball FPS. More games like this would keep boosting the AFTV as a serious gaming alternative, supplanting Ouya and the Shield. NBA 2K15 lacks a season mode, so I'll wait for it to be on sale before I buy it.
I don't know how to take screen shots from the FTV, so this brief review will be a wall of text.