Sunday, February 28, 2010

Like family... no thanks

First up, yesterday's exquisite voyage to a place I haven't been in probably ten or more years. The Olive Garden. I went because I had a $25 Darden gift card. Otherwise I wouldn't have gone.

Nick DiPaolo:
Nick DiPaolo - Authentic Italian

WSJ: It has been said--accurately and not altogether insultingly--that the Olive Garden is the McDonald's of Italian-American cuisine.

And then there was this essay from a guy named Doug Shaw, which I read before going, preparing me that they would be pushing wine on me.

And sure enough he was right. The decor and entrance had wine bottles prominent. The second menu was of specials, all with a wine pairing. Our waitress brought out a lambrusco for sampling. I accepted, but it was too sweet for my liking. It would have been gross with a meal.

I ordered a Gorgonzola-spinach-linguini/balsamic steak entree, the lady ordered portobello ravioli. Hers was better than mine. Mine wasn't horrible, it wasn't remarkable. The service was pretty mediocre. Dirty glasses, no water refills, and a rushed experience will be all that I remember. I don't plan on returning to an Olive Garden for the rest of my life, simply because there is better food elsewhere.

Of all big chain restaurants in the mode of Olive Garden, I personally would only go to Chili's. Even then, I'd opt for somewhere else. The Olive Garden has acceptable reheated flash frozen food. But it's uninspiring, due to the desire to cater to millions. At Chili's, I can buy a reheated burger that is more enjoyable than reheated pasta. I'm not sure what type of person desires to go to the Olive Garden; I suspect that for families it is simple because least you could find something for everyone. For non-families, I'd prefer a local pizzeria/mom and pop Italian gig.

NYT Rules broken:
17. Do not take an empty plate from one guest while others are still eating the same course. Wait, wait, wait.
25. Make sure the glasses are clean. Inspect them before placing them on the table.
62(a). Do not let a glass sit empty for too long.
75. Do not ask if someone is finished when others are still eating that course.
76. Do not ask if a guest is finished the very second the guest is finished. Let guests digest, savor, reflect.

Life's new purpose

I will now update this with various crap from my life, mostly restaurant reviews from places I go and have gone.

My food/restaurant reviews won't really have a form of consistency. One common thing I will consider is the whole "could I make this at home" idea, which stemmed from when I saw Guy Fieri commercials for Applebee's, stating his new grilled chicken breast on pasta was worth going out for. The lady rolls her eyes when I say "I could make this at home" when eating elsewhere.

A list which has influenced my social-eating habits is found courtesy of the New York Times, a few of which may be ridiculous, but most are pretty relevant. Click here for the list